.. _other-other-parameters: Other parameters ---------------- .. _other-help: ``--help, -h`` """""""""""""" |factory::Launcher::help,h| .. code-block:: bash aff3ct -h .. code-block:: console Usage: ./bin/aff3ct -C [optional args...] Simulation parameter(s): {R} --sim-cde-type, -C Select the channel code family to simulate. --sim-prec, -p Specify the representation of the real numbers in the receiver part of the chain. --sim-type Select the type of simulation (or communication chain skeleton). Other parameter(s): --Help, -H Print the help like with the '--help, -h' parameter plus advanced arguments (denoted as '{A}'). --help, -h Print the help with all the required (denoted as '{R}') and optional arguments. The latter change depending on the selected simulation type and code. --no-colors Disable the colors in the shell. --version, -v Print informations about the version of the source code and compilation options. .. _other-advanced-help: ``--Help, -H`` """""""""""""" |factory::Launcher::Help,H| .. code-block:: bash aff3ct -H .. code-block:: console :emphasize-lines: 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,28,29,32,33,34 Usage: ./bin/aff3ct -C [optional args...] Simulation parameter(s): {R} --sim-cde-type, -C Select the channel code family to simulate. --sim-prec, -p Specify the representation of the real numbers in the receiver part of the chain. --sim-type Select the type of simulation (or communication chain skeleton). Other parameter(s): --Help, -H Print the help like with the '--help, -h' parameter plus advanced arguments (denoted as '{A}'). {A} --except-no-bt Disable the backtrace display when running an exception. {A} --full-legend Display the legend with all modules details when launching the simulation. --help, -h Print the help with all the required (denoted as '{R}') and optional arguments. The latter change depending on the selected simulation type and code. {A} --keys, -k Display the parameter keys in the help. --no-colors Disable the colors in the shell. {A} --no-legend Disable the legend display (remove all the lines beginning by the '#' character). --version, -v Print informations about the version of the source code and compilation options. .. _other-version: ``--version, -v`` """"""""""""""""" |factory::Launcher::version,v| .. code-block:: bash aff3ct -v .. code-block:: console aff3ct (Linux 64-bit, g++-5.4, AVX2) v2.1.1-48-g1c72c3d Compilation options: * Precision: 8/16/32/64-bit * Polar bit packing: on * Terminal colors: on * Backtrace: on * External strings: on * MPI: off * GSL: off * MKL: off Copyright (c) 2016-2018 - MIT license. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. .. _other-keys: ``--keys, -k`` |image_advanced_argument| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |factory::Launcher::keys,k| .. code-block:: bash aff3ct -h -k .. code-block:: console :emphasize-lines: 5,8,12,17,21,26,29 Usage: ./bin/aff3ct -C [optional args...] Simulation parameter(s): {R} --sim-cde-type, -C [factory::Launcher::p+cde-type,C] Select the channel code family to simulate. --sim-prec, -p [factory::Launcher::p+prec,p] Specify the representation of the real numbers in the receiver part of the chain. --sim-type [factory::Launcher::p+type] Select the type of simulation (or communication chain skeleton). Other parameter(s): --Help, -H [factory::Launcher::Help,H] Print the help like with the '--help, -h' parameter plus advanced arguments (denoted as '{A}'). --help, -h [factory::Launcher::help,h] Print the help with all the required (denoted as '{R}') and optional arguments. The latter change depending on the selected simulation type and code. --no-colors [factory::Launcher::no-colors] Disable the colors in the shell. --version, -v [factory::Launcher::version,v] Print informations about the version of the source code and compilation options. .. _other-except-no-bt: ``--except-no-bt`` |image_advanced_argument| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |factory::Launcher::except-no-bt| .. _sim-no-legend: ``--no-legend`` |image_advanced_argument| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |factory::Launcher::no-legend| .. tip:: Use this option when you want to complete an already existing simulation result file with new noise points. Pay attention to use ``>>`` instead of ``>`` to redirect the standard output in order to add results at the end of the file and not overwriting it. .. _sim-full-legend: ``--full-legend`` |image_advanced_argument| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |factory::Launcher::full-legend| This additional information can help to understand a problem in the simulation. Data can of course be redundant from one module to another. .. _sim-no-colors: ``--no-colors`` """"""""""""""" |factory::Launcher::no-colors|