3.2.9. Monitor parameters

The monitor is the last module in the chain: it compares the decoded information bits with the initially generated ones from the source. Furthermore, it can also compute the mutual information (MI) from the demodulator output. --mnt-max-fe, -e

Examples:--mnt-max-fe 25

Set the maximum number of frame errors to simulated for each noise point. --mnt-err-hist

Examples:--mnt-err-hist 0

Enable the construction of the errors per frame histogram. Set also the maximum number of bit errors per frame included in the histogram (0 means no limit). The histogram is saved in CSV format:

"Number of error bits per wrong frame"; "Histogram (noise: 5.000000dB, on 10004 frames)"
0; 0
1; 7255
2; 2199
3; 454
4; 84
5; 11
6; 12 --mnt-err-hist-path

Rights:write only
Examples:--mnt-err-hist-path my/histogram/root/path/name

Path to the output histogram. When the files are dumped, the current noise value is added to this name with the .txt extension.

An output filename example is hist_2.000000.txt for a noise value of 2 dB. For Gnuplot users you can then simply display the histogram with the following command:

gnuplot -e "set key autotitle columnhead; plot 'hist_2.000000.txt' with lines; pause -1" --mnt-mutinfo

Enable the computation of the MI.


Only available on BFER simulation types (see the --sim-type parameter for more details).