Common Encoder parameters

This section describes the parameters common to all encoders. --enc-type

Allowed values:NO AZCW COSET USER
Examples:--enc-type AZCW

Select the encoder type.

Description of the allowed values:

Value Description
AZCW Select the AZCW encoder which is optimized to encode \(K\) information bits all set to 0.
COSET Select the coset encoder (see the --sim-coset, -c parameter), this encoder add random bits from \(X_K\) to \(X_N\).
USER Read the codewords from a given file, the path can be set with the --enc-path parameter.


The AZCW encoder allows to have a working communication chain without implementing an encoder. This technique can also reduce the simulation time especially when the encode task is time consuming.


Be careful, the AZCW technique can lead to unexpected behaviors with broken decoders.


Only use the COSET encoder if know what you are doing. This encoder is set by default when the simulation is run with the --sim-coset, -c parameter.


For the USER type, when the number of simulated frames exceeds the number of codewords contained in the files, the codewords are replayed from the beginning of the file and this is repeated until the end of the simulation. --enc-path

Rights:read only
Examples:--enc-path example/path/to/the/right/file

Set the path to a file containing one or more codewords, to use with the USER encoder.

An ASCII file is expected:

# 'F' has to be replaced by the number of contained frames.

# 'N' has to be replaced by the codeword size.

# a sequence of 'F * N' bits (separated by spaces)
B_0 B_1 B_2 B_3 B_4 B_5 [...] B_{(F*N)-1} --enc-start-idx

Examples:--enc-start-idx 1

Give the start index to use in the USER encoder. It is the index of the first codeword to read from the given file.